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Archive for January, 2012

Cruising Seminars Jan 19 and 26 and Feb 2

Thursday, January 12th, 2012

The planning for the seminars is all done. They will be very exciting and informative and full information on them is on this website. Orange Coast College has described them as follows:
January 19 – 7pm to 9pm
Surviving Togetherness
Whether you are going out for a couple of hours, overnight, to Mexico, or around the world, the real trick is to accomplish this while maintaining cordial relationships with the members of your family. This is not easy, but Carole and Laurie will tell you how they did it, starting right back at boat selection and setting up. Learning how to compromise (Laurie) and develop blue and pink jobs on board (Carole) are hugely important (Laurie will cover mauve jobs). The anchoring techniques you will learn will certainly save your boat and your marriage. Simple ways to make your boat as safe as possible both at anchor and underway are often key to a happy co-captain, and to avoiding seeing someone bobbing in the wake. Why boat names are important and what boat papers are necessary are also covered. All this information is delivered with terrific pictures and great stories.

January 26 – 7pm to 9pm
Plan to always be on an even keel
Laurie and Carol sailed around the world for more than 6 years without ever striking sustained winds at sea of more than 35 knots. One goal of this seminar is to provide you with bad-weather avoidance skills such as patience, knowing what superstitions you should not ignore, and how to use charts and plan passages. You will learn what to do to avoid being hit by lightning, and what to do when you are (Laurie and Carole were). Laurie will provide the skills needed to sail safely in coral filled water, to avoid going aground, and show you how to get off when you do (and you will).
A happy boat is one that is adequately provisioned, has all the spare parts needed for routine maintenance and for emergencies, is properly stocked with medicines and first aid requirements and has enough books – there is nothing more desperate than the cruiser who has read everything on board. This seminar will cover all of these matters and include markets and bargaining, trading, catching fish in 3 oceans and 10 seas, and cooking on board. All this is interlaced with great pictures and gripping stories.

February 2 – 7pm to 9pm
Things you never knew you needed to know
This seminar covers the miscellaneous aspects of sailing and cruising, the ones that you don’t necessarily think of, but which have the ability to rise up and cause severe interference to any plans you may have. Laurie and Carole will tell you about how to deal with officials in 56 countries, how to get out of a Sudanese jail (somewhat related to the first item), the absolutely essential things to have on board, pirates and why they aren’t a problem, disasters and how to recover from them, how much does cruising really cost, and why everyone else lies about it, money and credit cards, land cruising, sailing with children, and boat and health insurance.
By way of light relief, they will cover flags and flag etiquette, cocktail time etiquette, crazy cruisers they have met and what can be learned from them, clothing optional and why it shouldn’t be, and the realities of carrying guns on board. All with pictures and stories to inform and entertain.

Orange Coast College Cruising Seminars

Thursday, January 5th, 2012

Carole and I will be conducting a three day seminar series at Orange Coast College (OCC) from 7pm to 9pm on each of January 19 and 26 and February 2.

The link to the OCC website is:

Then go to “Courses” then “Seamanship” then “Guest speakers”.  OCC will be very happy to assist with registration if you call 949-645-9412.

Those of you who have attended previous seminars will know how informative and entertaining we are.  Carole has been credited with demonstrating to a very large number of apprehensive spouses that cruising can be both fun and rewarding, and sailing skills are not a prerequisite.

The series will cover almost every aspect of cruising;

January 19 – 7pm to 9pm

Surviving Togetherness

Terrific pictures

Entertaining stories

Gripping stories

Different sailing and cruising styles and what they mean to you

Buying a boat considerations

Compromise and keep your partner

Setting up a boat

Safety and ways to stay safe on board

Boat names and why they are important

Boat papers and why you need them

Blue and Pink jobs on board

Surviving togetherness

Anchors and anchoring techniques – practical information that will save your boat and your marriage

Why trading your wife for camels is a really bad idea – based on experience


January 26 – 7pm to 9pm

Plan to always be on an even keel

Terrific pictures

Entertaining stories

Gripping stories

The land is more dangerous than the sea

Superstitions you should not ignore

Long term planning

Learning patience – the most important skill a non-racing sailor needs to gain

Bad-weather avoidance – we never struck sustained winds at sea of more than 35 knots

How to not get hit by lightning and what to do when you are (we were)

Going aground (you will) and getting off (because of this seminar)

Sailing in coral


Planning passages

Fishing in 3 oceans and far more than 7 seas

Provisioning – you never have enough toilet paper

Markets and bargaining

Cooking on board

Spare parts

Medical supplies

R & R – Repair and Replace


February 2 – 7pm to 9pm

Things you never knew you needed to know

Terrific pictures

Entertaining stories

Gripping stories

Pirates and how to avoid them (we did)

Absolutely essential things to have on board – and why

Things that came on board in mid-ocean

How to get out of a Sudanese jail

How to ignore the depth-charges exploding around your boat every night

Crazy cruisers we have met

Best places to charter and why

Dealing with officials in 56 countries

Guns on board

Clothing optional, and why it shouldn’t be

How much does cruising cost, and why everyone else tells lies about it

Disasters, and how to recover from them

Flags and flag etiquette

Cocktail time etiquette

Money and credit cards

Sailing with children and why this is a really good idea

Land cruising



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